Online Security | Are your online accounts safe?

I am sure you know that Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and Linkedin accounts were hacked. I am writing about online safety today. That means, you will be able to know about the security of your online accounts if you continue read this.

Just think friends, Zuckerberg is one of the founders of popular social media and his accounts were hacked. So, a big question comes before us: How safe is our online accounts? As a security conscious user, I just want to say that it has not been possible to invent any system so far which is 100% Hack-proof. However, there are some rules and by observing or practicing those we can secure our accounts. Maybe, it would not be 100% Hack-proof, but it must be a trouble for Hackers.

Just think once, you can buy or sell anything online instantly, in the same way all of your information could be lost. And the balance of your credit card could be $000 overnight. Anybody can own this experience any day any time. So, it is better to be alert before so that you need not to pay a big price tomorrow of your today’s little mistakes. However, not elaborating the introduction, let’s know how the accounts of Mr. Zuckerberg were hacked and what measures we can take to secure our online IDs.

How Zuckerberg’s Social media accounts Hacked:

In 2012, a hacker team attacked Linkedin and stole 167 million user details. This user lists were being sold in Dark Web with 5 Bit coins (approximately 3200 American dollars) only. Maybe there was details of Zukerberg’s Linkedin account and by using that his Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram IDs were hacked.

Now the question is, how much safe is your accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp etc. today? How strong are the passwords of these accounts? Share the techniques with us by comments how you secure your online accounts. It will be a good exercise for us all. Today, I will share some tips which may be well enough to protect your accounts.

Use Two-factor Authentication in your online accounts:

Question may arise in your mind, “What is Two-factor Authentication?” If you do not know, I would say- Two-factor Authentication is the system of two passwords. That means, two locks in one door. If one lock is stolen, another lock will protect you. Generally, when you will sign in your necessary account using your password, a code will be sent to your mobile. After entering the code in the site you will be able to sign in the account successfully. If your password is lost anyhow, nobody will be able to log in your account because the man will not have your phone where the code has been sent. And the second password is always different.

I think, Two-factor Authentication is very important for every account if you want to ensure utmost security of your account. So, protect your all accounts including Facebook, email, and Bank accounts with Two-factor Authentication. Including Gmail and Facebook, all major sites have this Two-factor Authentication system.

Use long and strong Passwords:

When you set a password in a site, you should use long and strong password. It will make your online security stronger. When you set a password in a site, they encrypt the password in Hashing and Salting methods. Here, you need not to know about Hashing and Salting methods, just know that your passwords are saved encrypted in websites. If anybody download the database of the website through hacking, they try to decrypt the password. The chance of decrypting your password decreases when you use long and strong password. This is the importance of long and strong password!

Now the question is: how can you set a long and strong password? I am giving you some tips-
Set a password which contains minimum 10 letters. It would be better if you use more than 10 letters. If your site approves, you can also set a password of 20 letters. Mind it, longer passwords are more secure.

Use capital letter, small letter, number and some characters such as [space{@#.%*] etc. together. If you set a simple password using small or capital letters only and not using any number or character, Hackers will be able to decrypt your password easily.

Use different password for each site:

To keep the highest online security, you have to use different passwords for different sites especially for banks, PayPal, shopping sites, email, Facebook etc. Yes I know that it is not possible to remember so many passwords. Because, the long and strong passwords are strange in nature and different passwords for different sites?

But you can do this job easily by using password manager such as KeePass or Last Pass. This password manager save your password by encrypting it. Using online password manager like Last Pass is very important. It will protect you the most. Using third party password is better than password manager of browser because these softwares have been made for saving passwords only.

Keep your Hard Drive encrypted:

Encryption of Hard Drive means one step forward to security. Because, Hard Drive encryption ensures maximum protection of your computer. Though any Hacker is able to connect to your computer, he will not be able to read the data. You can encrypt your Hard Drive in some ways. The first way is BitLocker, which remains with Windows as default. You will be able to encrypt your Hard Drive with BitLocker easily. Besides, there is another tool called TrueCrypt. But I think, it is for advanced users only because there are some security issues.

Use VPN (Virtual Private Network):

When the term online security or protection comes to mind, VPN comes first. VPN directs all of your online activities through a secret server. As a result, nobody can monitor your activities. Even your ISP (Internet Service Provider) will not be able to know your activities. A VPN Client has to use to use VPN. Generally, VPN Client is a software. You can use it after installing it to your PC or phone. To get VPN service, you have to pay monthly or yearly subscription fee. There are many free VPN online. But, I suggest you to use paid VPN service because you know the proverb: If something is free, you are the product.

Finally, some words:
The things I discussed on online security today is not all. But, if you are unconscious of online security till today, this article may help you a lot I believe. Besides, you must inform us what you are doing for your online safety. And check that whether your online security coincides with ours. Comment on any question of any post. And help everyone to be aware of online security by sharing this post.
